Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Commodus, as Augustus of the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty 177-192 AD, Silver Denarius (3.64g, 17mm), Rome mint 186-187 AD. Obverse: Laureate head of Commodus facing to the right, legend surrounds, “M COMM ΛNT P FEL ΛVG BRIT”. Reverse: Hilaritas stands facing to the left, draped in stola and holding branch aloft in right hand and holding long palm in left, legend surrounds, “HILΛR ΛVG PM TR P XII IMP VIII COS V PP”. RIC-150a; RSC-212; Sear-5647. Struck towards the end of his reign, the offered piece features a bold yet aged portrait of Commodus as well as quite an extensive titulature on the reverse, reminiscent of the types of Titus, nice deep original toning and well centred, good Very Fine, obverse better.
The obverse Latin legend reads “Mārcus Commodus Antōnīnus, pius fēlīx Augustus, Britannicus”, with an English translation of “Marcus Commodus Antoninus, the blessed and pious Augustus, conqueror of the British”. The reverse Latin legend reads “hilaritās Augustī, Pontifex Maximus, Tribūnīciā Potestās duodecimum, Imperātor octāvum, Cōnsulāritās quīntum, Pater Patriae”, with an English translation of “Cheerfulness of the Augustus, chief high Priest of the College of Pontiffs, invested with Tribunician power for the twelfth time, honoured with the title of Imperator for the eighth time, honoured with the office of Consul for the fifth time, Father of the Nation”.