George III of the House of Hanover, King of the Great Britain 1760-1820 AD, Gold Quarter Guinea (2.11g, 16mm), 1762, Royal mint London. Obverse: Young laureate head of King George III facing to the right, legend surrounds, “GEORGIVS· III· DEI· GRATIA”. Reverse: Royal Arms of the Kingdom of Great Britain, France, Ireland, Hanover, and Brunswick (1714-1801 AD) within ornate mantle and surmounted by St. Edward’s Crown, date either side of crown, legend surrounds, “·M· B· F· ET· H· REX· F·D· B· ET· L· D· S· R· I· A· T· ET E·”. S-3741. A very handsome fractional guinea, the portrait bold and typically dignified, obverse lightly wiped in the past, good Very Fine.
The Latin legend is the full Royal titulature of King George III, beginning on the obverse and continuing on the reverse, reading unabridged as “Geōrgius tertius, Deī grātiā, Magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, Fideī Dēfēnsor, Brūnsvīcēnsis et Lūnebērgēnsis Dux, Sacrī Romani imperiī Archīthesaurarius et Elector”, with an English translation of “George the Third, by the grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Luneberg, High Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire”.