Charles I of the House of Stuart, King of England 1625-1649 AD, Silver Shilling (5.75g, 30mm), Group F, initial mark “(P)” (1643-1644), struck under the authority of the Parliament, Tower mint, London. Obverse: Sixth large ‘Briot’s’ bust of King Charles I facing to the left, wearing double-arched crown and stellate lace collar, mark of value “XII” to right field, inner beaded border and legend beginning with initial mark surrounds, “CAROLVS D:G: [M]AG: BRI: FRA: ET· HIB: REX”. Reverse: Shield of Arms of the House of Stuart over cross moline, inner beaded border and legend beginning with initial mark surrounds, “·CHRISTO· AVSPICE· REGNO·”. Spink-2800. Struck a little unevenly on a smaller flan leaving some legend off, with typical flat areas, the portrait quite defined and the overall piece quite handsome, near Very Fine, reverse Very Fine.
The Obverse Latin legend reads “Carolus, Deī Grātiā, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rēx”, with an English translation of “Charles, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland”. The Reverse Latin legend reads “chrīstō auspice rēgnō”, with an English translation of “I rule with the patronage of Christ”.