Spanish Empire, Bolivia, Ferdinand VII of the House of Bourbon-Anjou, King of Spain 1813-1833 AD, Gold Eight Escudos, 1822 PTS PJ, Potosi mint. Obverse: Laureate bust of King Ferdinand VII facing to the right, date below, legend surrounds, “·FERDIN· VII· D·G· HISP· ET IND· R·”. Reverse: Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Spain (1761-1788), mint monogram “PTS” and assayer’s initial “PJ” below, legend surrounds, “·IN· UTROQ· FELIX· ·AUSPICE· DEO·”. KM-91; Calico-1826. Certified and graded by PCGS as Mint State 61 (48442738). A majestic example with a reverse of the highest note, displaying very sharp details through the heraldry which is much more appealing in hand, slight weakness over portrait, which is typical for Ferdinand VII and why we feel this example is slightly under graded – regardless, finest known graded by PCGS.
The obverse Latin legend reads “Ferdinandus Septimus, Deī Grātiā, Hispāniae et Indiae rēx”, with an English translation of “Ferdinand the Seventh, by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies”. The reverse Latin legend reads “in utrōque fēlīx auspice Deō”, with an English translation of “under the auspices of God there is happiness on both sides”.