Charles I of the House of Stuart, King of England 1625-1649 AD, Silver Crown (28.76g, 41mm), 1644, Civil War Provincial issues, Exeter mint, initial mark Rose (1643-45), date to left of initial mark type. Obverse: Figure of King Charles I atop un-caparisoned horse cantering to the left, adorned in full military attire with sash over his cuirass which flows behind and holding sword aloft in his right hand and the reigns in left, inner beaded border and legend surrounds, “:CAROLV[S:] D:G: M[AG: BR]I: FRA: ET: HI: REX:”. Reverse: Oval shield of arms of the House of Stuart within ornate mantle, inner beaded border and legend which ends with the date surrounds, “[:C]HRISTO: AVSPICE: RE[GNO:]”. North-2557; S-3058. Struck on a fairly nonuniform flan, otherwise quite pleasing with a deep streel grey patina and a strong reverse shield, light flatness over horseman typical of type, details near Very Fine, reverse Very Fine.
The obverse Latin legend reads unabridged as “Carolus, deī grātiā, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae rēx”, with an English translation of “Charles, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland”. The reverse Latin legend is stated in full as “chrīstō auspice rēgnō”, with an English translation of “I rule with the patronage of Christ”.