Charles II of the House of Stuart, King of England 1660-1685 AD, Silver Half Crown (14.83g, 33mm), Hammered coinage, Third issue 1660-1662 AD, initial mark Crown, Tower mint, London. Obverse: Crowned bust of King Charles II facing to the left, wearing lace collar and doublet, mark of value “XXX” to right field, inner beaded border and legend surrounds, “CAROLVS· II· D:G: MAG: BR: FR: ET· HIB: REX”. Reverse: Shield of Arms of the House of Stuart over cross moline, inner beaded border and legend surrounds, “·CHRISTO· AVSPICE· REGNO·”. North-2761; Spink-3221. Flatly struck in parts over obverse, decently round flan, the reverse quite choice and bold, near Very Fine, reverse Very Fine for issue.
The obverse Latin legend reads “Carolus Secundus, Deī Grātiā, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rēx”, with an English translation of “Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland”. The reverse Latin legend reads “chrīstō auspice rēgnō”, with an English translation of “I rule with the patronage of Christ”.