Æthelred II ‘the Unready’ of the House of Wessex, Anglo-Saxon King of the English in his first reign 978-1013 AD, Silver Penny (1.50g, 20mm), normal Crux type, Exeter mint 991-997 AD, Moneyer Tuna. Obverse: Bare-headed and draped bust of King Æthelred II facing to the left, holding sceptre aloft which terminates in cross of three beads, bead to outer left field, inner lined border and legend which begins with initial mark cross pattée surrounds, “ÆĐELRÆD REX ΛNGLOX” (GL ligated). Reverse: Small voided cross central within inner lined border, “C R V X” in each angle, legend which begins with initial mark cross pattée surrounds, “TVNΛ M-O EΛXEC”. Spink-1148; North-770. Struck on a typically broad flan for the type, a charming portrait and a notably sharp reverse, good Very Fine, reverse better.
The Obverse legend reads “Æðelræd, Rex Anglōrum”, with an English translation of “Æthelred, King of the Englishmen” – Æthelred II is named in the Old English, with his titulature in Latin. The Reverse Latin legend reads “Tuna, monēta Exanċeaster”, with an English translation of “Tuna, mint of Exeter” – the legend begins with the moneyers name, the word ‘mint’ in Latin, and the mintname ‘Exeter’ in Old English, ‘Exanċeaster’, literally Ex (“River Exe”) + ċeaster (“city, town”).