George II of the House of Hanover, King of Great Britain 1727-1760 AD, Gold Two Guinea (16.70g, 31mm), 1738. Obverse: First, younger laureate head of King George II facing to the left, legend surrounds, “GEORGIVS· II· DEI· GRATIA·”. Reverse: Shield of Arms of the House of Hanover as the sovereigns of Great Britain (1714-1801) within ornate mantle and surmounted by St. Edward’s Crown, Irish harp of 7 strings, 8 hearts to semée of Luneberg shield, date either side of crown, legend surrounds, “·M· B· F· ET· H· REX· F·D· B· ET· L· D· S· R· I· A· T· ET· E·”. Bull EGC-568; MCE-291; Spink-3667B. Highly attractive bright lustre at every rotation and hints of reddish toning on the reverse, noticeably less busy surfaces then usually seen, a lovely and bold example, Very Fine.
The obverse Latin legend reads “Geōrgius Secundus, Deī Grātiā”, with an English translation of “George the Second, by the Grace of God”. The reverse Latin legend continues from the obverse and reads “Magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, Fideī Dēfēnsor, Brūnsvīcēnsis et Lūnebērgēnsis Dux, Sacrī Romani imperiī Archīthesaurarius et Elector”, with an English translation of “King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Luneberg, High Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire”.